Warriors Academy
Warriors Academy
Warriors Academy
Warriors Academy
Warriors Academy
Warriors Academy

Warriors Academy


A unique and exciting adventure travel experience, An all exclusive 7-Week Quest including Multi-Day Cycle, River rafting, hiking and scuba diving tours. Focused towards education and Self-Mastery.


  • Noah

    4 months ago / 29 March 2024 @ 11:29 am

    I was a warrior during 2023 and this year I’m participating in the second year that warriors academy provides called MAI, which focuses on teaching students how to work in the adventure industry. This Gap Year program is filled with exciting activities and trips throughout the entirety of the program. I’ve made countless memories and friendships that’ll last a lifetime. The whole year is divided into 4 different quests which each have a different theme or main attraction to it, this allows things to stay fresh and not repetitive. Every quest new people join which makes things even more exciting because you get to spend time with different people from around the world. The warrior academy gap year program provides young adults with the opportunity to grow in multiple aspects of their life. It helps people strengthen themselves not just physically but also mentally. Warriors is challenging, extremely challenging even if you’ve been doing extreme sports your whole life. Everybody is going to struggle at one point or the other and for different reasons. This is what makes Warriors Academy special even though you’re in pain and you want to quit, that’s when you as a person will grow and become stronger. Warriors taught me that the way you decide to handle the lows in life is what creates room for personal growth. One of our mottos here is “get uncomfortable intentionally”, you won’t change or grow as person if you stay in your comfort zone, you’ll only grow and change as a person if you push yourself outside your comfort zone, that is what Warriors Academy is all about.

  • Derrek

    4 months ago / 29 March 2024 @ 12:30 pm

    From my experience at warriors academy i have grown in ways i never thought possible. What i signed up for was a fun full year of adventure… what i got out of it was a year of self mastery. Understanding myself and others, i learned how to deal with stress and to become the best version of myself possible. In a year of ups and downs it is the downs that i remember building me up the most and becoming the top 1%

  • Hayden David seach

    4 months ago / 29 March 2024 @ 12:45 pm

    Warriors academy has change my life warriors academy is a amazing gap year program definitely should go here if you are down to do a gap year program. Because warriors academy take you everywhere in south africa and they do amazing hiking activities cycling and other out door ACTIVITIES. And warriors academy take you on programs that get you qualified for instead first aid, public speaking ect) and you meet amazing people all around the world from the Netherlands to America to the UK and others so definitely should come to this program it’s amazing it’s a life changer and it’s a program that get you uncomfortable intently.

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