Daigon International Movers
Daigon International Movers
Daigon International Movers
Daigon International Movers
Daigon International Movers
Daigon International Movers

Daigon International Movers

Daigon International Movers / Furniture Removers offers a cheaper alternative to transport your household goods to your new home internationally. We have found that moving agents add a huge markup when it comes to personal goods and have decided to keep it as per industry norm, as general cargo in order to assist our clients to avoid high fees.


International Movers – Stress

Moving to a new home can be extremely stressfull and we offer our knowledge and assistance to make this easier on all our clients.

International Movers {City}/ Furniture Removers {City}
<strong><em>International Movers Furniture Removers<em><strong>

As part of a Global network, Daigon International Movers / Furniture Removers can offer services across the globe and can offer save and timeous deliveries.(pending any customs delays).
There is no limit on weight or size. Only requirements will be that it is packed well enough for international transport.

International Movers {City} Transport Modes offered:.

– Full Container Loads.
– Shared Container Loads.
– Express Airfreight. (expensive option)
– Normal Airfreight.
– Consolidated Airfreight. (cheap air rates – space sharing)
– All modes have options door to door. Door to Port. Port to Port.

Cargo We Ship:.

Household Movers
<strong><em>Household Movers<em><strong>

– Golf clubs.
– Unaccompanied baggage.
– Gifts.
– Memorabilia.
– Paintings.
– Purchased Souvenirs.
– Household Removals Internationally.
– Immigration relocation of household effects.
– Shipping your goods for Overseas Consignments.

Documentation Required on Imports:.

– Valued Inventory List.
– Packing List.
– Copy of Passport. (and original if client does not endorse docs themselves)
– Completed DA304 and endorsed with affidavit (copy available from our office).

Documentation Required on Exports:.

Storage of Goods for short periods
Storage of Goods for short periods

– Valued Inventory List.
– Packing List.
– Copy of ID for SA residents or Passport for foreigners.

International Movers Packaging Allowed:.

– Packing boxes.
– Shipping tea chests.
– Suitcases.
– Shipping boxes.
– Plastic Cases.
– Wooden Crates.

Heavy cargo should be packed in forklift support Boxes or crates. These is available at most box suppliers.

Sea freight is less expensive for big heavy or bulky stuff. Transit time is longer. Fragile Cargo Should be packed by Professionals. Seafreight can be rough and cargo have a tendency to roll, move and breakages is imminent on the ocean.

International Movers {City} / Furniture Removers {City} Transport Information:.

Freight can be booked on a variety of shipping providers, including ships, airplanes, trucks, and railroads. It is not unusual for a single shipment to move on multiple carrier types. ‘International freight forwarders” typically handle international shipments. International Movers have additional expertise in processing customs documentation. And activities pertaining to international shipments.

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